William Comyns Beaumont

For other persons named William Comyn(s) see William Comyn

William Comyns Beaumont, also known as Comyns Beaumont, (1873–1956)[1] was a British journalist, author, and lecturer. Beaumont was a staff writer for the Daily Mail[1] and eventually became editor of the Bystander in 1903[2][3] and then The Graphic in 1932.[4]

Beaumont was an eccentric with several unusual beliefs, many of which were linked to British Israelism. His astronomical speculations were later mirrored by Immanuel Velikovsky's works. According to Frank Joseph: "Beaumont’s work was taken over entirely by Immanuel Velikovsky in his famous Worlds in Collision (1950), which elaborated on the possibility of a celestial impact as responsible for the sudden extinction of a pre-Flood civilization."[5]



Among Beaumont's propositions were:

Beaumont accepted the existence of giants based on folklore, mythology, traditions and archeology as real. Beaumont believed that Britain was the location of Atlantis and that it was occupied by a giant race of Aryans.[6]


(see WorldCat: Comyns Beaumont)

Further reading

See also


  1. ^ a b c Cambridge Conference Correspondance: WILLIAM COMYNS BEAUMONT (1873 - 1956) BRITAIN'S MOST ECCENTRIC AND LEAST KNOWN COSMIC HERETIC, Benny J Peiser, October 17, 1997
  2. ^ Churchill College Archives: The Churchill Papers: May 1930 - Jan 1931 correspondance
  3. ^ Galactic Central Publications: Magazine Issues
  4. ^ Time Magazine: Eight Less One, August 15, 1932
  5. ^ The Atlantis Encyclopedia, Frank Joseph, New Page Books, 2005, p.27, ISBN 1-56414-795-9
  6. ^ Karl Shaw, Curing Hiccups with Small Fires: A Delightful Miscellany of Great British Eccentrics
  7. ^ Reviewed in The Scotsman: The Grail, Jesus's children and Stone Age lasers: Scotland's madder myths - Scotland is the Lost City of Atlantis, Diane Maclean, The Scotsman, April 15, 2005

External links